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I'm Jessica. I love my Faith, my Family, coffee in the mornings and wine in the evenings.

When I'm not writing, I'm homeschooling my four children, working in the barn and garden, or running. My happiest days are spent in a great book surrounded by my kids. 

Newest Release

Family. A mom and a dad and dinner every night. Russ never had that. Matt always did. Russ and Matt aren’t friends. They aren’t enemies. It’s worse, they are foster brothers.


Russ has skills that help him survive. He takes what he needs. Some call it stealing. He calls it preparation. It worked, until he stole from Nigel. The money he took was cursed and it ruined his foster family and destroyed any chance he had of staying with them. Nigel has plans for Russ and other foster boys who have mysteriously disappeared from the foster care system.  Russ and Matt stumble across Nigel’s plans for the boys and it tears apart the little family they have. To get back home, they must work together and both must face their greatest fears.


Circle of Pride is a Christian Paranormal novel, scheduled to be released on All Saint's Day, 2018. Get ready!

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Yesterday Julius was King.

Today the King’s greatest secret is exposed.

Tomorrow Leviathans will return.

     Julius looked over to the wall of bookshelves containing maps, war strategies, myths and legends. Instead of referencing the books, searching for answers of the danger lurking outside, Julius walked to the mantle and picked up the sword that had been worn at the hip of every King of Evania since the days of the Good King Gerald. "Do you believe the stories?"

     Chancellor Petros nodded.

     Julius swung the blade. It whistled, cutting the tension in the air. "Stories that say it's possible to call forth Leviathans, creatures from Hell to which only silver weapons are lethal."

     Chancellor Petros looked to the books holding those stories and nodded. "Your father would have hoped you to be older."

     "My father wished for many things for me," Julius laughed, but there was no joy in it. "The greatest of those was for me to be a man."

     "Perhaps it will be difficult now to keep your secret in the shadows."

     "We might lose half our army if the Leviathans have returned and the other half if they learn they are led by a woman."

The Elemental Chronicles Set

Save $29 on 3 Books

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Victoria Nike walked through a painting, passed the paint and the canvas, and discovered an entirely different world. New rules, new landscape, new people. Learning who she can trust, where she should go to find help, and believing that she does have the abilities to save the country, Victoria learns the importance of faith in friends and in oneself.

Other Books by Jessica Schaub:

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What's Next?

Next, I shall take over the world! Bwa-ha-hahaha!


Please :) I can barely manage my own household. Instead, how about a tale of adventure, set way back when in which the main character is in disguise? Read the first chapter of Lies in the Shadows​


And a new project that has been on my mind and in my heart for a very long time: Circle of Pride. I'm very excited about this book, which seems to be leaning toward a series.

Book Lists for Moms

Alright moms! It's time to get caught reading. Over the last 6 months, these are the books I've read and enjoyed. They range from novels to non-fiction to homeschooling help. Let me know what you think and what books I should add to my reading list. Click on the PDF icon to download the list.

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and purchase The Elemental Chronicles Set for $28 (includes S&H)


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